Фотография: Oisix Ra Daichi Co., Ltd.
Jun 21st
Фотография: Oisix Ra Daichi Co., Ltd.

Candle Night at Zojoji 2024

Switch off from electricity and enjoy candlelight instead

Venue: Zojoji Temple When: Friday - Jun 21st 2024

The Candle Night at Zojoji event started back in 2003, and it encourages visitors to switch off from electricity and enjoy the beauty of candlelight instead. The highlight of the event is a stunning candle road running along the approach to the temple, with 1690 candles depicting the 169 targets and 17 target colors of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Фотография: Oisix Ra Daichi Co., Ltd.

Along with the flickering candles to appreciate, there will be a Candle Night market running from 3 pm until 7.30 pm where you can pick up things like seasonal vegetables, plus talks from Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike and event ambassador LiLiCo.

Admission to the event itself is free of charge, but bring yen if you plan on making a purchase.

Как добраться

Zojoji Temple is located a five minute walk from Tokyo Tower. The closest stations are either Shibakoen or Onarimon, on the Toei Mita Line. Both stations are around seven minutes on foot away from the temple itself.

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