Nov 8th
Nov 9th

Open the Treasure of Japan! Project 2023

Explore Japanese culture with all five senses

Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
Nov 8th - Nov 9th 2023

Japan has an incredibly rich culture, and there are a myriad of ways to immerse yourself in it. The Open the Treasure of Japan! Project takes place in the Mishima area of Shizuoka, and provides participants with some once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to experience this culture in unique ways.

The schedule for the two-day, one night event includes:

  • A night tour of the Mishima Taisha Shrine grounds, and a formal night worship ceremony – these are rare experiences even for locals to partake in
  • A special viewing of the Wind Ensemble and a traditional Japanese dance performance by Hideki Togi, a musician who is part of the Imperial Household Agency's Music Department
  • A premium dinner at Ryusen-en (a registered tangible cultural property) made by renowned chefs using local ingredients
  • A gagaku performance, which is a type of Japanese classical music
  • A visit to Rakujyuen Garden, which has been designated as a national natural monument and place of scenic beauty since 1950
  • A special guided tour of the Sano Museum of Art "Artisans of Japanese Swords" exhibition

This limited-capacity experience also includes overnight accommodation at Fujisan Mishima Tokyu Hotel, and an English-speaking interpreter so that none of the magic is lost in translation.

To secure your spot for this memorable event or for questions about pricing, please reach out to our travel agency team at

Как добраться

The meeting place for the event is at Mishima Station (North Exit), which is served by the Tōkaidō Shinkansen, the Tōkaidō Main Line, and the Sunzu Line. Please note that meeting directly at the Fujisan Mishima Tokyu Hotel is also acceptable.

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