11th Ikebana Autumn Exhibition

Exclusive Ikebana Autumn Exhibition in Kyoto 2024

At Sanzen-in Temple, Ohara Kyoto

Nov 4th - Nov 6th 2024

The historical city of Japan, Kyoto is always a favourite place for many tourists. Temples, Shrines, local foods, histories...

But have you heard of Ikebana? It's also called as Kado, a Japanese style of flower arrangement. Even nowadays, there are many Ikebana schools with Head Masters in Japan.

The Ikebana School Kajiinomiya Goryu happily announces that we will hold an annual Ikebana Exhibition in Sanzen-in Temple in Kyoto also this year.

The School has inherited Japanese Ikebana tradition for more than 500 years and here we are, holding an exhibition at the temple where we were born.

Sanzen-in Temple is hidden on a mountain in Kyoto, only a few tourists have discovered its beauty. It is a little far from the central Kyoto, but still it could be a perfect location for nature hike and cultural interection.

This would be the perfect occasion for your first experience of enjoying Ikebana at our special place. Please come to Ohara Sanzen-in Temple during the exhibition, there will be a beautiful autumn atmosphere too.

Как добраться

【Place】Enyubo, Sanzen-in Temple
(Address: Raikoin-cho 540, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. 601-1242)

【Access】10 mins on foot from「大原 / Ohara」bus stop.

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