Dec 14th
Dec 25th

Christmas Candle Night 2024

Winter fun at Nagaoka's Echigo Hillside Park

Echigo Hillside Park
Dec 14th - Dec 25th 2024

Nagaoka's Echigo Hillside Park is a beautiful destination year-round, with a wide variety of flowers and plants to appreciate. A special illumination event this winter will see the park open after dark on select dates (December 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 for their Christmas Candle Night event.

The park's symbolic zelkova tree will be adorned with sparkling lights and surrounded by candles decorated with illustrations or messages from visitors. There is a participation fee of 700 JPY to decorate a candle, in addition to the park's entrance fee of 450 JPY for adults.

Как добраться

Echigo Hillside Park is located around a 10 minute drive from the Nagaoka Interchange of the Kanetsu Expressway. Paid on-site parking is available.

Buses are also available from Nagaoka Station (Joetsu Shinkansen, Joetsu Local Line, and Shin'etsu Main Line) to the park. Head out of the Ote Exit, and take the New Town Bus via Sekihara from Platform 6. The bus ride from the station to the park takes just over 30 minutes.

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