Nordic Sauna Fes 2024

Warm up this winter in Saitama Prefecture

Comoriver, Saitama
Feb 22nd - Feb 24th 2024

Japanese onsens and Nordic saunas, although rooted in different cultural traditions, share a number of similarities in their essence and the experiences they offer. Both practices are celebrated for their myriad health benefits, their connection to the natural environment, and the often communal experience. If you are a sauna fan in Japan, the Nordic Sauna Fes gives visitors a glimpse of this longstanding practice for three days this February.

Photo: Onsen Dojo Co., Ltd

The event is set to include three different types of wood fired saunas that guests can use, special eats and drinks including the popular Nordic drink of glögg (a spiced mulled wine), and beautiful natural surrounds.

The festival is a ticketed event, with advanced tickets slightly cheaper compared to on-the-day purchases. Each day has an afternoon and an evening session, and more information about ticketing can be found on the official event website.

Как добраться

The festival takes place at Tokitama Himitsukichi Comoriver, which is located 5 minutes by car (or around 30 minutes on foot) from Myōkaku Station on the Hachikō Line.

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